Check out the 23 audios in the 12 Meditation CDs below, they will bring you to a greater understanding of yourself and your relationship with your Soul.

See end of this page for Hazel's Special :)
Use these audios whenever you feel cluttered and crowded and learn the fundamental skills of how to spiritually take care of yourself

Listen to a sample of "Aura Cleansing"
Aurasamplemp3.mp3 Aurasamplemp3.mp3
Size : 7641.46 Kb
Type : mp3
Listen to a sample of the "Chakra Workout"
chakrasamplemp3.mp3 chakrasamplemp3.mp3
Size : 8555.542 Kb
Type : mp3
"Aura Cleansing" (full version plays for 33 mins 50 seconds) "Chakra Workout" (full version plays for 33 mins 10 sec)
Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99
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These meditations will introduce you to the concept of your soul as energy and how to work on the soul planes of reality

Listen to a sample of

"Meeting Your Higher Self"
MeetingHigherSelfsample.mp3 MeetingHigherSelfsample.mp3
Size : 6259.012 Kb
Type : mp3

And enjoy "Creating And Radiating Light"

CreatingandRadiatingLightsample.mp3 CreatingandRadiatingLightsample.mp3
Size : 5860.44 Kb
Type : mp3

"Meeting Your Higher Self" (full version plays for 31 mins 16 s)

"Creating and Radiating Light" (full version plays for 31 mins 09 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

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In order to raise your vibration it is essential that your emotional body is calm and centred. This is one of the steps which will enable you to open your inner vision more and these 2 audios will certainly help you achieve this goal

Relax And Listen to a sample of "Calming Your Emotions"

CalmingEmotionsamplemp3.mp3 CalmingEmotionsamplemp3.mp3
Size : 7946.358 Kb
Type : mp3
And also enjoy "Opening Your Inner Vision"
OpenInnverVisionsamplemp3.mp3 OpenInnverVisionsamplemp3.mp3
Size : 6024.521 Kb
Type : mp3

"Calming Your Emotions"(full version plays for 31 mins 15 sec) 

"Opening Your Inner Vision"(full version plays for 31 mins 06s)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

Love changes everything, your vibration and your life. Love also protects you and gives you a sense of expansion. of feeling 'bigger than' rather than 'smaller than'

Sample "Open To Love, Create A Bubble Of Light "
OpenToLoveSamplemp3.mp3 OpenToLoveSamplemp3.mp3
Size : 5204.113 Kb
Type : mp3
Take a moment to "Expand Your Aura"
ExpandYourAuraSamplemp3.mp3 ExpandYourAuraSamplemp3.mp3
Size : 4266.767 Kb
Type : mp3

"Open To Love Create A Bubble Of Light"

(full version plays for 46 mins 53 seconds)

"Expand Your Aura"(full version plays for 46 mins 43 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

Your guide knows you very very well and by using these audios regularly, you will very soon get to know your guide and how you communicate with each other

"Align And Connect With Your Guide "

AlignConnectGuideSamplemp3.mp3 AlignConnectGuideSamplemp3.mp3
Size : 5040.032 Kb
Type : mp3
"Align With Your Guide To Charge Your Chakras" 
AlignGuideChargeChakraSamplemp3.mp3 AlignGuideChargeChakraSamplemp3.mp3
Size : 6001.256 Kb
Type : mp3

"Align & Connect With Your Guide"

(full version plays for 30 mins 18 seconds)

and "Align With Your Guide to Charge Your Chakras"

(full version plays for 30 mins 15 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

By learning to ground fully in your body you will be bringing more of your Spirit into matter. This is part of everyone's earthly challenge and experience. Allow the Christ energy to protect you whilst you live in your body upon the earth

Prepare To "Ground And Be Fully In Your Body"

GroundFullyInBodySamplemp3.mp3 GroundFullyInBodySamplemp3.mp3
Size : 4899.216 Kb
Type : mp3
"Build A Bubble Of Protection, Invoke The Christ Light"
BubbleProtectChristSamplemp3.mp3 BubbleProtectChristSamplemp3.mp3
Size : 4173.093 Kb
Type : mp3

"Ground and be Fully in Your Body"

(full version plays for 46 mins 01 seconds)

and "Bubble of Protection and Christ Consciousness"

(full version plays for 46 mins 22 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

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A rigid etheric body leads to stiffness in the mind and body. Learn to play with, and bring flexibility to your subtle anatomy. This audio is the prelude to experiencing out of body phenomenon

Now It's Time To "Loosen Your Etheric Body to Develop Elasticity" in this audio sample

LoosenEthericBodysamplemp3.mp3 LoosenEthericBodysamplemp3.mp3
Size : 5040.032 Kb
Type : mp3

"Loosen Your Etheric Body To Develop Elasticity"

(full version plays for 30 mins 05 seconds)

Purchase this audio for only  £7.77 or $12.99

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By energising your 4th and 5th dimensional chakras you bring yourself closer to your future self. The you that you hope to become in this lifetime

Sample How To "Energise 4th Dimensional Chakras"
Energise4DChakrasamplemp3.mp3 Energise4DChakrasamplemp3.mp3
Size : 6118.195 Kb
Type : mp3
And "Energise 5th Dimensional Chakras"
Energise5DChakraHM12samplemp3.mp3 Energise5DChakraHM12samplemp3.mp3
Size : 5766.767 Kb
Type : mp3

"Energise 4th Dimensional Chakras"

(full version plays for 30 mins 07 seconds)

"Energise 5th Dimensional Chakras"

(full version plays for 30 mins 17 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

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Your master teaches you on the inner planes of reality, usually whilst you sleep. Now it is time for you to wake up to these higher teachings and strengthen the cords of light which are strengthening and building your antakarana bridge

"Meet Your Master On The Inner Planes of Reality" with this audio sample 

MeetYourMastersamplemp3.mp3 MeetYourMastersamplemp3.mp3
Size : 5883.705 Kb
Type : mp3

Also, discover how to "Build Your Antakarana Bridge "

BuildYourAntakaranaBridgesamplemp3.mp3 BuildYourAntakaranaBridgesamplemp3.mp3
Size : 6680.848 Kb
Type : mp3

"Meet Your Master on the Inner Planes of Reality"

(full version plays for 30 mins 21 seconds)

"Build Your Antakarana Bridge"

(full version plays for 25 mins 28 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

Use these audios to discover whether you have cleared your karmic debts and to reprogramme your beliefs about ageing, illness and death

"Petition To release Your Karma"

audio sample 
PetitiontoReleaseKarmasamplemp3.mp3 PetitiontoReleaseKarmasamplemp3.mp3
Size : 6423.093 Kb
Type : mp3

"Deprogramme and Reprogramme
Your Glands At A Cellular Level" audio sample  

ReprogramGlandsAtaCellularLevelsamplemp3.mp3 ReprogramGlandsAtaCellularLevelsamplemp3.mp3
Size : 6891.46 Kb
Type : mp3

"Petition to Release Your Karma"

(full version plays for 30 mins 07 seconds)

"Deprogramming and Reprogramming Your Glands at a Cellular Level"

(full version plays for 29 mins 59 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

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Use this meditation before HM9 to download the colours of these chakras

Sample "Bringing Down Your 4th Dimensional Chakras"
BringDown4DChakrasamplemp3.mp3 BringDown4DChakrasamplemp3.mp3
Size : 9258.399 Kb
Type : mp3
And "Bringing Down Your 5th Dimensional Chakras"
Energise5DChakraHM12samplemp3.mp3 Energise5DChakraHM12samplemp3.mp3
Size : 5766.767 Kb
Type : mp3

"Bringing Down 4th Dimensional Chakras"

(full version plays for 46 mins 58 seconds)

"Energise 5th Dimensional Chakras"

(full version plays for 46 mins 48 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

Your sub-personalities were created by you and they control your life. Use this CD to bring them into an enlightened awareness of the vision you have of yourself as you would like to be

Deep Breaths. It's Time For

"Calming Your Emotions"
CalmEmotionsHM13samplemp3.mp3 CalmEmotionsHM13samplemp3.mp3
Size : 7946.358 Kb
Type : mp3
and "Healing Your Subpersonalities"
HealingSubPersonalitiesamplemp3.mp3 HealingSubPersonalitiesamplemp3.mp3
Size : 5977.379 Kb
Type : mp3

"Calming Your Emotions"

(full version plays for 29 mins 49 seconds)

"Healing Your Sub-Personalities"

(full version plays for 29 mins 53 seconds)

Purchase both audios for only  £7.77 or $12.99

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Get this entire package of 23 in depth guided meditation downloadable audios, as listed above on this page

all for just  £65 or $108

The purchase of physical CD's are also available for UK residents only. Please contact Hazel for more information.
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